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Bulletin161: Medical effects of internal contamination by uranium. Dr. Asaf Duracovic, medical Colonel of the US Army , expert in radioactive contamination.
Bulletin162: The government conspiracy on 9-11 exposed 7 years after (first part). Alfredo Embid.
Bulletin163: The government conspiracy on 9-11 exposed 7 years after (second part). Alfredo Embid. 115 lies about the terrorist attacks of September 11. David Ray Griffin.
Bulletin164: The drumbeat for war gets stronger when the reasons for starting it weaken. Alfredo Embid. Israel bombs Syria with impunity. Precedents to the Israeli aggression. The preparation of the war against Iran intensifies. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reveals the lies of the US Administration. Iran does not pose an atomic threat according to the IAEA. The IAEA asks the Israeli nuclear program to be placed under inspection. The opposition to the war grows. Is the  US Air Force blocking the transport of atomic bombs?
Bulletin165: The government conspiracy on 9-11 exposed 7 years after (third part). Who was not responsible? Several experts doubt that Ben Laden did organize 9-11. There are also several international experts that question the official version of 9-11 and its consequences. There are doubts about Ben Laden being alive. Doubts about the kidnappers. The false clues. Alfredo Embid.
Bulletin166: The government conspiracy on 9-11 exposed 7 years after (fourth part). The movement for truth grows in the US. The affected question the official theory of the conspiracy. Most of the workers of the Zero Zone are already ill. The dissent is also present in the high places of the government.
The real critics of the official version have been violently attacked by the mass media. The attacks to the critics has gone beyond words. CONTACTS and documentation. Alfredo Embid.
Bulletin167: 1 - Last bulletins published by the AMC on the war of Lebanon and the next radioactive war against Iran. 2 - Next conferences of Alfredo Embid on this topic. 3 - More weapons against the next war of Iran in Global Research.
Bulletin168: The drumbeat for the next nuclear war against Iran gets stronger: Bush talks of the Third World War. The reasons behind this war. The atomic threat does not exist according to the IAEA. The fraud of the “terrorist” threat of Iran does not exist according to US generals. Thousands of objectives in the attack to Iran. The need to organize another terrorist attack like the 9-11 in few months. The provocation of unilateral sanctions to Iran. Evidence of the increase of military preparations for the attack. US/GB create terrorist groups in Iran. The troops of the US and GB have already invaded the Iranian territory. In parallel with these events, the dissent grows within the US army and the government. More information on the incident of the atomic bombs “lost” in Barksdale. The whole General Staff of the Central Command, Centcom, threatens to disobey if the order to attack Iran is finally given. Alfredo Embid.
Bulletin169: A truce in the war against Iran. – New evaluation of the 16 intelligence agencies of the United States. – The meteorite of Peru was a US spy satellite that could have been shot down by the air force itself. – The Barksdale incident. Death in strange circumstances of the main witnesses of the B-52 incident. – The attack has probably been stopped by the military themselves.
Bulletin170: Changes in the battlefield and depleted uranium. H. Rosalie Bertell. Notes: Alfredo Embid.
Bulletin171: Professor Siegwart-Horst Günther, pioneer in condemning radioactive contamination, has received an award. Alfredo Embid. The Ministry of Defence continues lying about uranium contamination. 136 countries vote in favour of a resolution to study uranium weapons in the general assembly of the United Nations. New videos on uranium weapons.
Bulletin172: An ex-head of state says that 9-11 was organized by the secret services. Alfredo Embid.
Bulletin173: How to start a war. Altering history in the beginnings of wars. The Gunpowder Conspiracy. 1770 American Independence War. 1846 The war against Mexico. 1861 The American civil war. 1898 The war against Spain. The Maine. 1915 The entry into the First World War. The Lusitania. 1941 II World War. Pearl Harbor. 1961 Operation Nortwoods. 1964 The Gulf of Tonkin incident. Conclusion: what all these events have in common. Alfredo Embid
Bulletin174: Murders, martial law and crisis in Pakistan. Brief reminder of the recent history of Pakistan. Martial law and crisis in Pakistan. The geostrategic importance of Pakistan. The importance of resources and their transport. The plans of the US to fragment the country. Increasing the US intervention with the excuse of terrorism. Alfredo Embid.
Bulletin175: Appeal from health professionals in favour of the independence of the World Health Organization from the International Atomic Energy Agency.
- The appeal intends to also instruct and promote Health Professionals at an international level about the true health consequences caused by the Chernobyl catastrophe.
- Since April 26, 2007, 21st anniversary of the Chernobyl accident, between one and three people take turns at the doors of the main building of the World Health Organization to denounce its submission to the International Atomic Energy Agency, promoter of the nuclear lobby.
- Contacts.
Bulletin176: Concealment of the suicide epidemic in the US Army and the disaster of the victims. More than 6,000 suicides per year. 150,000 American soldiers injured. 73,000 dead in Iraq. The worst is still to come. Alfredo Embid.
Bulletin177:1- The International Atomic Energy Agency justifies itself and looks for rigged solutions forced by the pickets at the World Health Organization. Alfredo Embid. 2 - Studies on atomic veterans find amazing rates of congenital diseases in the second and third generations. Green Audit. 3 - Forum about the radioactive contamination in Najaf, Iraq. Muslim Peacemaker Teams inform about the epidemic caused by uranium weapons. Cliff Kind. 4 - More than 200 military from the US Army question the official version of 9-11 and ask for the opening of a new investigation. Alfredo Embid.
Bulletin178: 69 scientist denounce the dangers of depleted uranium. Critic comments about their statement. Alfredo Embid.
Bulletin179: The National Security Agency (NSA) admits that the government lied in the Gulf of Tonkin incident, which was used to start the aggression of the US to Vietnam. The recent incident in the Persian Gulf reminds the Gulf of Tonkin incident and reveals more lies of the US Administration. Alfredo Embid.
Bulletin180: The ruling of the Court of Appeals of New York against the Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange declares ‘open season’ on new war crimes. The history of agent orange continues to happen. Noah’s Ark project of seeds. New evidence that chemical contamination is toxic for next generations and that its effect are inherited. Genetic responsibility and crimes against the genetic heritage. Alfredo Embid.

More bulletins:

1 (Bulletin 1 - 15)
2 (Bulletin 16 - 31)
3 (Bulletin 32 - 47)
4 (Bulletin 48 - 63)
5 (Bulletin 64 - 79)
6 (Bulletin 80 - 95)
7 (Bulletin 96-110)
8 (Bulletin 111-122)
9 (Bulletin 123-160)
10 (Bulletin 161-180)
11 (Bulletin 181-200)


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